Simple Pleasures

Happy Fall, y’all! ’Tis the season for all things sweaters, pumpkins, fall colors, and pumpkin spice lattes (or if you prefer them, pumpkin cream cold brews). In a way, fall feels like the season of rest right before the busy planning that Christmas time brings. I personally have a lot going on this fall. IContinue reading “Simple Pleasures”

Comparing Ruth and the Proverbs 31 Woman

I am very excited about this post. As I was doing preliminary research for my word of the year, I noticed that Ruth in the Bible was considered a virtuous woman. I decided to compare her and the Proverbs 31 Woman, and this is what I found.  Ruth is a very unique character in theContinue reading “Comparing Ruth and the Proverbs 31 Woman”

I went on a missions trip!

Today, I wanted to share the recap of the missions trip I just took to Mexico City. It had a wonderful time, and I’m so thankful for the opportunity to have gone. One thing that really sticks out about churches in foreign countries is their dedication to their Savior. I think sometimes, here in America,Continue reading “I went on a missions trip!”

The Proverbs 31 Woman

We are finally back to looking at my word of the year, and we’re going to start out with a brief overview of the Virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. I’ll be studying this chapter in greater detail in the coming weeks but this is the brief overview to give you a taste. While preparing forContinue reading “The Proverbs 31 Woman”

Time for a Reset

There come times in our lives that we have to stop, assess where we are, and then decide a path to move forward. Sometimes we get off track from our goal.  Perhaps your New Years Resolutions have long been forgotten.  Perhaps your monthly goals aren’t working the way you wanted or expected them to.  PerhapsContinue reading “Time for a Reset”

Testimony: Freshman Year Recap

Well, I unintentionally took a couple months hiatus, but that’s okay. The last couple months have been packed, but they’ve been good. This is reminiscence on my freshman year at college. What a year it has been! It’s had its ups and downs, but man, it has been an amazing nine months. Nine months ago,Continue reading “Testimony: Freshman Year Recap”

Testimony: What I Learned in August 2021

I’ve mentioned that I wanted to do this post before, but it has been a long time coming. This is the chronicle of my feelings during a trial I faced in 2021. I am going to be vague with what I was facing, but I hope that just chronicling how I felt and how theContinue reading “Testimony: What I Learned in August 2021”

When Things Don’t Go As Planned…

I wanted to pop on here and post something that’s currently on my heart. I hope it’s an encouragement to you. I wanted to clarify that the shift in my life isn’t a huge one. It was more of a change of plans than anything. I don’t want it to seem like I got terribleContinue reading “When Things Don’t Go As Planned…”

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